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Medium-well steak showing a dark brown exterior and mostly brown interior with a hint of pink, indicating it is cooked to medium-well doneness

Medium Well Steak: Why It’s the Best Medium Steak


Ever wondered why steak is such a big deal? A steak is a tasty slice of meat from a cow. You can cook it in different ways, and each way changes how it tastes and feels. One of the most popular ways to cook steak is called “medium well.” But what does “medium well” mean, and why is it often the best choice? Let’s find out why medium well steak is amazing and why it might become your favorite!

When cooking steak, you can choose from different levels of doneness: rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, and well done. Each level changes how the steak looks and tastes. A medium well steak is cooked until it’s mostly brown inside with just a bit of pink. It’s a popular choice because it’s cooked enough to be safe but still juicy and full of flavor.

Medium well steak hits that perfect spot between juicy and well-cooked. It’s not as raw as a rare steak or as dry as a well-done one. It’s like hitting the jackpot for steak lovers!

The Perfect Medium Well Steak: What to Look For

Ideal Color and Texture

A medium steak should look just right. The outside will be dark brown, and the inside should be mostly brown with a little pink. It should feel firm but not too tough—if it’s too soft, it might not be cooked enough, and if it’s too hard, it could be overcooked. Just like how you’d want your Bucatini pasta to be cooked to perfection, the steak needs to be just right to ensure the best taste and texture.

Methods to Check for Doneness

To check if your steak is medium well, use a meat thermometer. It should be around 150–160°F (65–71°C). You can also press your finger on the steak. A medium steak will feel firm with a little give.

How to Know If a Steak Is Medium Well

A medium well steak has a brown crust on the outside and is mostly brown inside. It should be juicy but not too pink. The juices should run clear, and the steak should be tender and easy to chew.

The Best Medium-Well Steak Cooking Techniques

Grilling vs. Pan-Searing

There are different ways to cook a medium well steak. Grilling gives it a smoky flavor and nice grill marks. Pan-searing cooks it in a hot pan on the stove, creating a great crust while keeping it juicy inside.

Oven Finishing Tips

Sometimes, after grilling or searing, you might finish cooking your steak in the oven. This ensures it reaches medium well. Place the steak in a preheated 350°F (175°C) oven for a few minutes until it’s done.

How to Avoid Overcooking

To avoid overcooking, use a meat thermometer to check the temperature. Don’t cook the steak too long, or it will become dry and tough. Monitor it closely and remove it from the heat as soon as it’s at the right temperature.

Seasoning and Marinades to Bring Out the Best in Medium Well Steak

Best Seasonings for a Perfect Medium Well Steak

Seasonings are key to a delicious steak. Simple seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder work well for medium-good steak. They add flavor without overpowering the steak’s natural taste.

Marinades That Go Well with the Medium Well Texture

A marinade is a special sauce you soak the steak in before cooking. It adds flavor and keeps the steak juicy. For medium-well steak, use marinades with soy sauce, olive oil, and herbs. Marinate for at least an hour for the best flavor.

How to Apply Seasonings to Bring Out the Best in Flavor

Rub your seasonings onto the steak and massage them in to help them stick. If using a marinade, coat the steak well and let it sit before cooking.

Serving Suggestions: Pairing Your Medium-Well Steak

Best Side Dishes to Go with Medium Well Steak

Serve your medium-well steak with tasty sides like mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, or a fresh salad. These sides balance the meal and add more flavor.

Best Sauces and Condiments

Add sauces or condiments to make your steak even better. Classic choices include barbecue sauce, steak sauce, or creamy mushroom sauce. These add extra flavor and excitement to each bite.

Wine and Beverage Pairings

For a special meal, pair your steak with a nice drink. Red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot go well with steak. If you prefer something non-alcoholic, try iced tea or lemonade.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Medium-Well Steak

Cooking Errors

Common mistakes include not checking the temperature or cooking at too high a heat. Use a meat thermometer to avoid undercooking or overcooking, and cook at a steady temperature for even results.

How to Avoid Your Steak Becoming Dry and Tough

To keep your steak juicy, don’t overcook it. Let it rest for a few minutes after cooking to let the juices settle, which makes the steak more tender.

Fixing Overcooked Steak

If your steak is overcooked, you can still improve it. Add a flavorful sauce or extra seasoning. Serving with gravy or butter can add moisture and flavor.


Medium well steak is perfect for those who want a great balance of juicy and well-cooked. It has the right mix of flavors and textures, making it hard to beat. Whether you’re grilling, pan-searing, or using the oven, medium well steak delivers a delicious experience.

Medium well steak hits the sweet spot of being safe, flavorful, tender, and juicy. Use the tips and techniques we’ve covered to make a fantastic medium well steak. Next time you cook steak, try medium well—it might just become your new favorite way to enjoy this tasty treat

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